4.I have heard story after heartrending story of famine and starvation, of people surviving on trash foraged out of the forest, because there was no food.
6.But perhaps one of the most heartrending experiences was that of the Akune family, divided by the war against each other and against their own identities.
7.Aside from the heartrending work of recovering the dead, the boat had sunk upside down into soft mud, stirring up fine silt and creating extremely poor visibility.
8.At first it was sort of heartrending to watch what appeared to be the agony of pulling himself up the stairs until I understood it's just part of life pulling himself up the stairs like that.
9.The piano was suddenly silent as Scarlett was overtaken with surprise and embarrassment. Then she hastily blundered into the opening bars of " Jacket of Gray" and stopped with a discord as she remembered how heartrending that selection was too.