1.He finally accepted hesitantly.
1." Well... when you fell off, it got blown away, " said Hermione hesitantly.
2." Where's Buckbeak, Hagrid? " said Hermione hesitantly.
“巴克比克呢,海格? ”赫敏迟疑地问。
3." When might I meet him" ? asked Sansa, hesitantly.
" 我什么时候可以见到他?" 珊莎犹豫地问。
4." How did you feel about that, sir? " asked Harry hesitantly.
5." Okay, are we pushing her too far? " Anxiety asked hesitantly.
6.'Why——' she said hesitantly, 'Tom's got some woman in New York.'
" 哎呀… … " 她犹疑一下说," 汤姆在纽约有个女人。"
7." Well, yes, " he replied hesitantly, " I suppose it could be that way."
8.Hesitantly, Lord Janos drew out the ornament and handed it to Tyrion.
9." Don't try anything, " Ove warns as he hesitantly pushes it under the window.
10.He reached over, swiftly, but somehow still hesitantly, to sweep my hair back behind my shoulder.
11.She nodded and advanced hesitantly toward him, uncertainty taking form in her mind at this new expression on his face.
12.Hesitantly, the geologists entered the small hut, stooping to enter through the low door.
犹豫着,地质学家们进小屋, 弯腰从低矮门进去。机翻
13.Monks started hesitantly. 'My father had arrived in Italy to collect the money he had inherited, when suddenly he fell ill.
14.As he came back to me, a scale began playing, hesitantly and then with more emphasis.
当他回到我身边时, 音阶开始演奏,先是迟疑,然后又加重。机翻
15.Hesitantly you call out to your mother, who's body suddenly jerks as she turns around slowly, moving very, very stiffly.
犹豫着喊妈妈, 妈妈身体猛地一颤, 缓缓转过身,动作非常非常僵硬。机翻
16.I came up, my wheelchair came up, and the woman, hesitantly, said that she hadn't wanted to impose, by helping with the gate.
17." The ranger saved Sam and the girl from the wights, " Bran said, hesitantly, " and he's taking me to the three-eyed crow" .
" 游骑兵从尸鬼手中拯救山姆和那个女孩," 布兰犹犹豫豫地说," 他还要带我去找三眼乌鸦。"
18." For true" ? Crabb reached out hesitantly, as if the blade might bite him. " The mistrustful maid's giving old Dick a sword" ?
" 真?" 克莱勃犹犹豫豫地伸出手,仿佛那把剑会咬人一样," 疑神疑鬼处女给老狄克一把剑?"
19.Her mother placed her hands on her hips and sighed, " Well, what score would you have given your life? " she asked hesitantly.
20.Then at last a Chrysler Imperial with Michigan plates came hesitantly up Sixth Avenue, made the left hand loop into the Hilton driveway and stopped at the entrance.