| 划词

1." You asked after them in villages and holdfasts" .

" 你问村子和庄里的人。"


2.He rode Honor up to the holdfast gates. " You in the holdfast. We mean you no harm. We're king's men" .

他骑着荣誉来到庄。" 庄里的百姓听着,我们不会伤害你们。我们是国王的人。"


3.But by the Late Cambrian, they attached to new harder substrates and some used root-like holdfasts.


权力的游戏 第4季

4.Find those boys and I'll give you 1,000 acres and a holdfast.

找到那俩男孩 给你千亩良田外加一座城堡

「权力的游戏 第4季」评价该例句:好评差评指正

5.Holdfast Organelle One thing every Stentor has in common is the holdfast organelle which lets them anchor to a single location.

Holdfast 细胞器 每个 Stentor 都有一个共同点是 holdfast 细胞器,它可以让它们锚定在一个位置。机翻


6." We'll stay in the holdfast, with the gates barred, " the old man said. " I like the feel o' stone walls about me when I sleep" .

" 咱们住庄子,把大拴上。" 老人说," 外面有石墙围绕,会睡得安稳一点。"


7.The riders reined up before the gates. " You in the holdfast" ! shouted a knight in a tall helm with a spiked crest. " Open, in the name of the king" !

骑兵们在外勒住缰绳," 庄里的人听了!" 一名头戴高大尖刺盔的骑士朗声道," 以国王之名,立刻开!"


8.In temperate and polar climates, up to 40  meters below the surface, dense populations of giant kelp, the largest brown algae, grip  the rocky seafloor with branching roots called holdfasts.

在温带和极地气候下,在海面以下 40 米深的地方,巨型海带(最大的褐藻)密集种称为固着物的分枝根抓住岩石海底。机翻


9.Theon knew the mill. He had even tumbled the miller's wife a time or two. There was nothing special about it, or her. " Why there? There are a dozen villages and holdfasts just as close" .

席恩知道那磨坊,甚至还和磨坊主的老婆做一两次。那里没什么特别,她也无甚特长。" 为什么在那里?这磨坊周围有十几个村子和庄。"


10." Ser Edmure has sent men to every village and holdfast within a day's ride of the border, " Ser Karyl explained. " The next raider will not have such an easy time of it. "

" 艾德慕爵士已派兵驻防距离边境一日骑程内所有村镇与庄。" 卡列尔爵士解释," 若还有人来犯,可不会像这次那么好了。"


11.Farms and holdfasts grew scarcer and smaller as they pressed northward, ever deeper into the darkness of the wolfswood, until finally there were no more roofs to shelter under, and they were thrown back on their own resources.



12." Never mind about Ser Lyonel" . He drew her aside by the arm. " Last night Hot Pie asked me if I heard you yell Winterfell back at the holdfast, when we were all fighting on the wall" .

" 先别管莱昂诺爵士。" 詹德利拽着她的手,拉到一旁。" 昨晚热派问我来着,他说当初咱们在墙上并肩作战时,你是不是喊了‘临冬城万岁’?"


13." What could you want to see? " Sansa said, annoyed. She had been thrilled by the invitation, and her stupid sister was going to ruin everything, just as she'd feared. " It's all just fields and farms and holdfasts. "

" 外面有什么好看?" 珊莎不悦地说。对于这次邀请她可是满心期待,但她蠢笨的妹妹却要搞砸一切,正如她所害怕的。" 不是些田地、农场和村落罢了。"


14." Arry has wolves in his head, " sneered Lommy. " Let them howl, " Gerren said, " they're out there, we're in here" . Woth agreed. " Never saw no wolf could storm a holdfast." Hot Pie was saying, " I never heard nothing" .

" 阿利满脑子都是狼," 罗米讥笑她。" 随它们去叫," 詹德利说。" 它们在外头,咱们在里面," 渥斯也同意。" 从没听说狼会攻打," 热派道," 而且我啥也没听到。"


15." This is good land" . Jojen picked up a handful of dirt, rubbing it between his fingers. " A village, an inn, a stout holdfast in the lake, all these apple trees... but where are the people, Bran? Why would they leave such a place" ?

" 多好的一片土地。" 玖健抓起泥土,在指间揉搓," 有村子,有客栈,还有湖中的坚固要塞,苹果树… … 但人在哪儿,布兰?人们为何离开这样好的地方。"



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