1." You asked after them in villages and holdfasts" .
" 你问村子和庄
14." Arry has wolves in his head, " sneered Lommy. " Let them howl, " Gerren said, " they're out there, we're in here" . Woth agreed. " Never saw no wolf could storm a holdfast." Hot Pie was saying, " I never heard nothing" .
" 阿利满脑子都是狼," 罗米讥笑她。" 随它们去叫," 詹德利说。" 它们在外头,咱们在里面," 渥斯也同意。" 从没听说狼会攻打庄," 热派道," 而且我啥也没听到。"
15." This is good land" . Jojen picked up a handful of dirt, rubbing it between his fingers. " A village, an inn, a stout holdfast in the lake, all these apple trees... but where are the people, Bran? Why would they leave such a place" ?
" 多好的一片土地。" 玖健抓起泥土,在指间揉搓," 有村子,有客栈,还有湖中的坚固要塞,苹果树… … 但人在哪儿,布兰?人们为何离开这样好的地方。"