14.Comprehensives struggle to compete with the hothouse conditions of independent and grammar schools, some of which have links to Oxbridge dating back centuries.
15.And if we pushed ourselves outside, drifting away unstoppably towards a hothouse Earth where we get self-amplified warming and losing life support on Earth.
16.It's also really important to understand what other artists were doing during Shakespeare's writing because they all influenced one another the 1500s which was a hothouse for creative minds.
17.Such violence in our time thrives on a form of mental blindness. Like a hothouse plant, it flourishes under the heady steam of its own unstoppable conviction.
18.Just the sort of place to be ornamented well with green boughs, and Mr. Craig had been proud to show his taste and his hothouse plants on the occasion.
19.This had been handsomely framed and now held the place of honor, garlanded with green wreaths, while the great Indian jar below blazed with a pyramid of hothouse flowers sent by Kitty.
20.There was something wrong about the piping of the hothouse, and she was expecting an authority from Dorchester, who was to drive out between trains and make a diagnosis of the boiler.