He always has hysterics at the sight of blood.
Nancy's having hysterics and raving about a black ghost.
My mum’ll have hysterics when she sees the colour of my hair.
I...I don't have time for her hysterics.
My mom was in hysterics, of course.
She's asleep. - She was in hysterics 3 minutes ago, Doctor.
她睡着了。- 3 分钟前她还歇斯底里的,医生。
" You've upset me" . She stifled something that was perilously near hysterics.
“你让难过” 。 她扼杀了某种危险的近乎歇斯底里的东西。
Bear in mind she's a foreigner, so prepare for hysterics, even a fainting spell.
Emma began to laugh, a strident, piercing, continuous laugh; she had an attack of hysterics.
艾玛大笑起来。 笑得耳,哄动,持久:她的神经病又发作了。
" In hysterics" means finding something really, really funny.
I mean, you're literally in hysterics all day long.
" Now for the hysterics downstairs, " he muttered as he tramped noisily away.
Hysterics makes lumps. There's nothing the matter with your horrid back—nothing but hysterics!
Now, Gregory was not fazed by what happened, even though the woman was close to hysterics.
现在, 格雷戈里并没有被发生的事情吓倒,尽管那个女人快要歇斯底里了。
Another, who had gone that deadly colour, could never have come round without either fainting or hysterics.
另一个人,已经染上了那种致命的颜, 如果不晕倒或歇斯底里, 就不可能回过神来。
" He's worked himself into hysterics, " she said in a great hurry.
Gregory didn't, and it didn't seem to faze him that the patient was very upset and close to hysterics.
And when a woman can joke over her troubles instead of having hysterics, nothing can ever hurt her much again.
当一个女人可以拿她的烦恼开玩笑而不是歇斯底里时, 再也没有什么能伤害到她了。
For us to get the idea to picture what he was doing: " He was rolling around the floor in hysterics." Okay?
I-I don't have the energy to rehash tonight's hysterics.
I'll buy you quarts if you want it, but for heaven's sake don't have hysterics, for I've brought Jack Scott home to dinner, and.
" Half that ails you is hysterics and temper—just hysterics—hysterics—hysterics" !
" There has been such a row in Miss Minchin's room, Miss Amelia has had something like hysterics and has had to go to bed" .
“在 Minchin 小姐的房间里发生了这样的争吵,Amelia 小姐有点歇斯底里,不得不去睡觉了”。