| 划词

1.From i ide a wooden building come the sounds of laughter and the clink of gla es.Cla ing begi as people in Bavarian costumes dance to the music of an oompah band.




clumpy, clumsily, clumsiness, clumsy, clun, clunch, cluneal, clung, clunis, clunise,


3G, 401(K), a,



1.They had such different ides that discussing their difference would have been a futile effort.



2.First, what exactly is an " ides" ?

首先," ides" 究竟是什么?


3.So, the ides of any month falls in its middle.

何一个月的" ides" 就在月中。


4.The ides of a month usually falls on the first day of a full moon.


科学60秒 听力 2016年11月合集

5.Ide points out that tides in the Earth's crust are known to cause tiny tremors along deep faults.


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6.It's a bad ide - I think it could work.

这是个馊主意 - 我认为行的通。


7.Barney and robin had no ide What they were about to walk into.

Barney和Robin对他们 即后的遭遇毫不知情。

Crash Course 综合篇

8.But with anions, you use a special suffix, " ide" .

但是对于阴离子, 你使用一个特殊的后缀, “ide” 。机翻

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VOA Special 2018年12月合集

9.Sorry, Shelly, can I get your opinion on a gift ide.


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Crash Course 综合篇

10.These elements gain electrons to form those negative ions ending with " ide" .

这些元素获得电子形成那些“ide” 结尾的负离子。机翻

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11.The ides is that each Fantale has movie trivia on the packaging of it.


科技 Crash Course

12.Many computer programmers can be pretty loyal to their IDEs though - but let's be honest.

尽管许多计算机程序员可能对他们的 IDE 非常忠诚——但说实话吧。机翻

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科技 Crash Course

13.Because they put everything you need in one place, they're called Integrated Development Environments, or IDEs for short.

因为它们把你需要的一切都放在一个地方,所它们被称为集成开发环境,简称 IDE。机翻

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科技 Crash Course

14.All IDEs provide a text editor for writing code, often with useful features like automatic color-coding to improve readability.

所有的 IDE 都提供了一个用于编写代码的文本编辑器,通常具有一些有用的功能,例如自动颜色编码提高可读性。机翻

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科技 Crash Course

15.Big programs contain lots of individual source files, so IDEs allow programmers to organize and efficiently navigate everything.

大型程序包含许多单独的源文件,因此 IDE 允许程序员组织和有效地导航所有内容。机翻

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科技 Crash Course

16.Good tools, contained in IDEs, can go a long way when it comes to helping programmers prevent and find errors.

包含在 IDE 中的好工具在帮助程序员预防和发现错误方面可大有帮助。机翻

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科技 Crash Course

17.In addition to IDEs, another important piece of software that helps big teams work collaboratively on big coding projects is called Source Control, also known as version control or revision control.

除了 IDE 之外,另一个帮助大型团队在大型编码项目上协同工作的重要软件称为源代码控制,也称为版本控制或修订控制。机翻

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18.Harry laid it as ide and felt cautiously around the trunk for the rest, but nothing more remained of his godfather's last gift except powdered glass, which clung to the deepest layer of debris like glittering grit.



19.And just like watching a movie fast-forwarded or rewound at 6x speed, it was blurry and hard to process, but I could catch the main ides of scenes as my unconscious mind worked to fill in the blanks.

就像观看 6 倍速度快进或倒带的电一样,画面模糊且难处理, 但当我的潜意识努力填补空白时, 我可捕捉到场景的主要思想。机翻



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