He looked indifferently upon subjects that did not interest him.
Adscript: Whole in covering a process, utopian show a kind all the time extremely indifferently manner, outside the world in residing hill greatly like tall person.
" Yes, " says the man, nodding indifferently.
" Well, I assume so, as Longbottom was there, " said Zabini indifferently.
" Draco should be proud, " said Bellatrix indifferently.
“No, ” said Harry indifferently, and set off again.
" Course not, he'll recover, " said Ron indifferently.
" Oh, they were punished, and cruelly, " said Griphook indifferently.
If devout admirers bring him food he eats it, if not, he starves indifferently.
" At, that was Morfin, " said the old man indifferently. " Are you pure-blood? " he asked, suddenly aggressive.
" The usual, " said Ron indifferently, demonstrating a rude hand gesture.
" Yes, " she replied indifferently; " it's a bouquet I bought just now from a beggar" .
" 是啊," 她满不在乎," 这是我刚买的… … 一个讨钱的女人卖的。"
" Not really, " said Hermione indifferently, who was reading the Daily Prophet. " I've never really liked horses."
" All right, " said the pilot indifferently.
“好吧,” 飞行员冷。
" Five Grand, " said the man indifferently.
She asked him indifferently what it was.
Paklin looked at her indifferently and passed on.
帕克林淡看了她一眼, 继续往前走。
" Whatever you like, " said Sirius indifferently, " The curtains in there are full of Doxys, too."
Betton, taking it up indifferently, had sat riveted till daylight.
贝顿冷拿起它, 一直坐到天亮。
He was looking at me indifferently, as if he didn't care what I said.
他冷看着我, 好像根本不在乎我什么。
Hullo said Mrs Robert Jack so indifferently that tourists was crushed.
胡 伯特杰克夫人的态度是如此的不同 以至于游客们都被压扁了。
Marfinka drew closer to Raisky, and looked down indifferently on the familiar picture.
玛芬卡凑近莱斯基, 冷俯视着熟悉的画面。