I’m sure he thinks I stole the money—he kept making innuendoes about my “new-found-wealth”.
It was during her performances in Kyoto that she also became known for her innovation: her nembutsu dance, in honor of the buddha Amida, tended to be known for its sultriness and sexual innuendo.
Ok, enough with the innuendos. You win. You're hilarious. -Thank you.
Pssst! Want to read something about rumour and innuendo?
God, you have no ear for innuendo at all! He made a pass at me.
His ethical ideals in teachings were also communicated through metaphor, innuendo, and anecdote or story.
Wait, there was an innuendo in that message?
- 等等, 那条消息中有影射?
But, the boss is making a joke here;he's really making an innuendo.
" I don't like innuendo in these deafening English whispers" .
Games will be played, sexual innuendo ensues.
游戏时间到 继续相互嘲讽吧。
God, you have no ear for innuendo at all!
天啊 你没听出来我在含沙射影吗!
The article is full of innuendos about your background.
You keep making these stupid jokes and these sleazy innuendoes...
你老是开这些很蠢的玩笑 还有无聊的暗讽。
Yeah, and you buried it under four graphs of innuendo.
是的 你用四张含沙射影的图片给覆盖掉了。
It was lucky that Waddington knew nothing, she could never have endured his malicious eyeing and his ironical innuendoes.
I'm used to a certain amount of innuendo and flirtation being thrown my way.
我对黄段子和调情的话 已经习以为常。
" I suppose Mary Garth admires Mr. Lydgate, " said Rosamond, not without a touch of innuendo.
We are not free of the seafood and the fish innuendos without a little bit of slang sex.
I've been out the dating pool for a while, so everything sound like a sexual innuendo to me.
我重回泡妞战场有一段时日了,所以一切对我来说 都是性暗示哦。
What I'm irate about is what it says about you, as the owner. The article is full of innuendos about your background.
But by obvious innuendo he confirmed Anthony's melancholy inference that the prodigal grandson would be particularly unwelcome at the bedside.
Politics is full of character assassination, where the political candidates try to say bad things about the other person, often using innuendos.
政治充满人格暗杀,政治候选人试图说另一个人的坏话, 经常使用影射。