14.A top-secret government program that prevents intergalactic threats has seen your amazing service record at the NYPD, so they invite you to an interview.
15.Not long after the Earth formed, a Mars-sized hunk of intergalactic debris smacked into our baby planet, flinging off material that then became the moon.
16.Scientists beamed a wakeup call to Rosetta early Monday then waited and waited for word that the intergalactic Rip Van Winkle was again up and running.
18.This blend of chemicals, minerals, and intergalactic particles settles out of the air onto surfaces in our homes, mixing with the detritus of each house’s occupants.
19.Our millenia of intergalactic solitude has finally come to an end, and the greatest question ever asked by science has at last been answered: are we alone?
20.Others shared videos of the event with the words " The Martians have arrived, " while there was a tongue-in-cheek call for Maussan to be named " president of intergalactic relations."