2.Intracellular F-actinwas loaded with Phalloidin-FITC and showed green fluorescence,intracellular DNA was labeled with PI and presentedred fluorescence.
3.Microsporidia are obligate intracellular parasited eukaryotes.The range of hosts included invertebrate and vertebrate.The microsporidian species parasited mainly fishes and insects.
4.The gram stain shown here demonstrates many neutrophilic leukocytes, one of which contains gram negative intracellular diplococci indicative of Neisseria gonorrheae infection.
5.The Calcium pump takes an important part in intracellular calcium homeostasis.It's well know that calcium is concerned with muscle contraction, nerve conduction and emiocytosis.
6.At highest field strengths, the core of the clot may have low signal on T2-weighted images, due to the presence of intracellular methemoglobin or of deoxyhemoglobin.
13.Now, total body potassium can essentially be split into two components— intracellular and extracellular potassium, or potassium inside and outside cells, respectively.
16.This leads to a fall in intracellular calcium levels causing the smooth muscles to relax, and allowing the cavernosal spaces to expand and fill with blood.
17.In normal circumstances, more than ninety percent of the total body potassium is intracellular, the remaining is in the extracellular fluid and blood plasma.
18.NK cells are large lymphocytes with granules and they target cells infected with intracellular organisms, like viruses, as well as cells that pose a threat like cancer cells.
19.As the pumps collectively move more sodium into the blood under the influence of aldosterone, more potassium gets pumped into the cell, which raises the intracellular potassium concentration.
20.In addition, most of the intracellular calcium is stored within organelles like the mitochondria and smooth endoplasmic reticulum and is released selectively just when it's needed.