3.Results Radical orchidectomy with high ligation of the spermatic cord and ipsilateral hemiscrotectomy and retroperitoneal lymph node dissection were undertaken for 3 cases.
4.Results MRI appearances of painful ophthalmoplegia syndrome included patch or small nodule abnormal signal at the region of fissura orbitalis superior. The ipsilateral cavernous sinus was enlarged.
2.Since the trigeminal and sacral nuclei serve just one side of the face or body, herpes vesicles and ulcers develop on the ipsilateral or same side as the affected nuclei.
3.Eventually, this injury of the left cerebral peduncle will result in weakness on the same side of the body as the side of the focal mass effect, also called ipsilateral weakness.
4.This causes paralysis of only the lower half of the face on the contralateral side as the lesion, since the upper half of the face is still receiving some information from the ipsilateral motor cortex.
5.The one huge difference is that there's another upper motor neuron that extends down from a region in the right motor cortex, and stays on the ipsilateral or same side to meet with same the lower motor neuron.
6.If a pancoast tumor pushes on or invades these sympathetic nerves, it can cause miosis - a small or constricted pupil, ptosis - a droopy eyelid, and anhydrosis - a failure to sweat, all on the ipsilateral, or same side, of the face as the nerve.