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BBC Ideas 精选(双语)

1.It's possibly the most important ism yet.


「BBC Ideas 精选(双语)」评价该例句:好评差评指正

2.These were the men (and a handful of women) who put the “ism” into Darwinism.


BBC Ideas

3.Utopianism is the ism of utopias.


「BBC Ideas」评价该例句:好评差评指正

4.So the answer to war, racism, sexism, and every other ism is so simple that every politician has missed it!



5." ism" is more about the concept of whatever.


BBC Ideas 精选(双语)

6.Every country, every region will have its own isms of course.

尽管 " 英式主义" 这一类的词或短评最早是在19世纪表达出的, 但近年, 不知道究竟是出于什么样的原因而使用得更加广泛突出了,可能与英语在国际上的传播有关, 也可能与人们接触时相互之间沟通的方式有关, 彼此交流摩擦, 火花飞溅.

「BBC Ideas 精选(双语)」评价该例句:好评差评指正

7." ism" is a suffix that has meaning; it means a belief in something.

ism” 是一个有意义的后缀; 这意味着对某事的信仰。机翻


8.You're going to hear a lot of ism's when you're hearing about politics.



9.I think something else that I'm starting to see more and more, if there is an ism, it's happening, right?

始越越多地看到其他东西,如果有一种主义, 它正在发生, 对吗?机翻

6 Minute English 六分钟英语

10.Many people are familiar with other 'isms' you know — for example, racism. When you say 'racism' people know what it means in Iran.


「6 Minute English 六分钟英语」评价该例句:好评差评指正
2019 ITERO-The One New Man Fulfilling God’s Purpose

11.When we enter into genuine prayer, we are far away from asceticism and all other isms, for we are one with the living Lord.


「2019 ITERO-The One New Man Fulfilling God’s Purpose」评价该例句:好评差评指正
2007 English Cafe

12.Putting the letters " ism" at the end of a word usually means it has to do with your system of beliefs about something.

将字母“ism” 放在单词的末尾通常意味着它与您对某事的信仰体系有关。机翻

「2007 English Cafe」评价该例句:好评差评指正
GQ — 明星们的代表角色

13.It sort of distilled all of the weird tweaky isms that you practice in the bathroom mirror, and then you get there and you really do it.


「GQ — 明星们的代表角色」评价该例句:好评差评指正

14.But this is an Irish ism, it doesn't mean they say it all the time, and the same with: " Jesus, Mary, and Joseph! Jesus, Mary, and Joseph! "

但这是一种爱尔兰主义,并不意味着他们一直这么说, 同样还有:“Jesus, Mary, and Joseph! Jesus, Mary, and Joseph!机翻


15." ism" , " ism" , " ism" , " ism" , and there's many more ism's in English.

,“ism” ,“ism” ,“ism” ,英文还有很多ism。机翻

6 Minute English 六分钟英语

16.Now, you may not have heard of heightism before, but it's like other 'isms'-like racism, sexism, ageism and other 'isms' that highlight a particular kind of discrimination or unequal treatment that people experience.


「6 Minute English 六分钟英语」评价该例句:好评差评指正

17.I’ve tried them all out but I’ll tell you this, outside this campus, and even inside it, idealism is under siege beset by materialism, narcissism and all the other isms of indifference.

已经把它们都试过了, 但要告诉你的是, 在这个校园之外, 甚至在校园里,理想主义都被唯物主义、自恋和所有其他冷漠主义所包围。机翻

6 Minute English 六分钟英语

18.So 'ism' means system, 'anthro' or 'anthropo' means human, and 'morph' means shape… And so this is a system that puts the shape of a human on something, and in this case the something is a computer.

所以“ism”是指系统,“anthro”或“anthropo”是指人类,“morph”是指形态… … 所以这是一个使某物呈人类形态的系统,在这种情况下,某物是一台电脑。

「6 Minute English 六分钟英语」评价该例句:好评差评指正

19.I really like to think about people's isms and quirks and likes and dislikes, and I store things up for a very long time, and then in random moments give people things because I like to see people.


BBC Ideas 精选(双语)

20.There'll be French isms and Australian isms and Canadian isms and they begin, I guess, with the micro languages within national borders that don't travel too far or didn't travel too far before we all began to travel.

当然, 每个国家、每个地区都会有自己的独特主义.

「BBC Ideas 精选(双语)」评价该例句:好评差评指正


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