6.Based on polytrophic process of air compression and isothermal gas combustion inside the turbine, an improved gas turbine with generality Carnot cycle is suggested.
7.Boundary layer theorem, isothermal and isoflux vertical plates, asymmetric isoflux vertical parallel plates of free convection, optimum and maximum channel space will be discussed.
8.The two dimensional pseudohomogeneous model was often used for the non isothermal, non adiabatic fixed bed reactor that was widely used for the strongly exothermic reactions.
6.Well, remember how we described isothermal processes last time: In those cases, there are only very tiny differences in temperature, and they’re immediately eliminated.
7.Another difference between isobaric and isothermal processes is that, since temperature is held constant in isothermal processes, the internal energy of the ideal gas can't change.
8.During those isothermal processes, the temperature has to be kept constant while heat is transferred – which only works if the heat is transferred super slowly.