1.She had never had a keener sense of freedom, of the absolute boldness and wantonness of liberty.
1.A keener sense of regional responsibility might help.
2.In Ireland for instance, they have what are called keeners.
例如,在爱尔兰,他们有所谓的 keeners。
3.Yet householders in the north east of England are growing keener on late-night loads.
4.But broadly, the boom means more choice and keener prices.
但从广义上讲, 繁荣意味着更多的选择和更优惠的价格。机翻
5.Conway stiffened for the effort of emerging into keener consciousness.
6.And the nearer an enemy, the keener his capacity for action.
7.Philip's sense of humour was growing keener with advancing years.
8.He little knew how much keener were my own heart's reproaches!
9.Is there anything I can get you, miss keener?
还有什么能补偿给您的吗 基纳小姐?
10.Even in the midst of far keener perceptions he could not restrain approval of a point well made.
即使在敏锐得多的感知中, 他也无法抑制对一个很好的观点的认可。机翻
11.Braver, heartier, keener, care-free enjoyment of life I have never seen or heard in any creature, great or small.
更勇敢、更热情、更热情、更无忧无虑享受生活, 这是我从未在任何生物身上见过或听说过的, 无论大小。机翻
12.Repayment will start in 2028; new " own resources" , the leaders said, should contribute. Once-sceptical members are now keener.
13.What happens when you raise interest rates generally is that people become keener to save and less willing to invest.
14.Even so, many residents at Shintomi are keener on the robots than they are on some of the care workers, notes Mr. Sekiguchi.
15.The queer part of it was that when Dredge emerged from these eclipses he seemed keener and more active than ever.
奇怪的是,当德雷奇从这些食中出来时, 他似比以往任何时候都更加敏锐和活跃。机翻
16.Nevertheless, when he did play there was no keener performer on the field, nor one more anxious to do well for his side.
17.She had been pleased with him during their walk; pleased with him on his own account; and now that pleasure was growing keener.
18.The bounceback in domestic tourism has been swift, as people have grown keener to get away from it all but have little scope to travel abroad.
19.And there I stood, shining my light and holding my phial with a keener interest than I had ever brought to any honest avocation.
我站在那里, 用我的手电筒照着我的药瓶, 怀着前所未有的浓厚兴趣。机翻
20.His only fear was lest Death should rob him of enjoyments, for which his long Fast had only given a keener edge to his appetite.
他唯一的恐惧是生怕死神夺他的享乐, 为此,他长期的禁食只会让他的食欲更加旺盛。机翻