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NPR音讯 2022年8月合集

1.They've shut down pro-Khan TV stations.


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2.In his last years, the khan became ill.

的最后几年, 可汗病倒机翻

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3.Traveling home to Italy would have been too dangerous without the khan's protection.

如果没有可汗的保护, 回意大利的路上太机翻

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4.The authority of an Arabian scherif is very great; that of a Tartar khan altogether despotical.

阿拉伯谢里夫的权威非常高; 完全专制的鞑靼可汗。机翻

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5.He wrote that he tried to " gather knowledge of anything that would be likely to interest the khan."

道,试图“收集可汗可能感兴趣的任何知识” 。机翻

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6.She helped the khan understand the customs of the people he ruled so he would be a better leader.

她帮助可汗所统治人民的习俗, 以便成为更好的领导者。机翻

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7.It will also be cheaper than ever before, we are already starting to see these things emerge with the birth of khan academy, educational YouTube channels and an increase in quality in online courses.

它也将比以前更便宜,随着可汗学院的出现、YouTube 教育频道和在线课程质量的提高,我们已经开始看到这些产品的出现。



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