6." These devils will scale heaven to circumvent us to our ruin, " said Hawkeye; " keep him in play, boy, until I can bring 'killdeer' to bear, when we will try his metal on each side of the tree at once" .
7." Now let the devils strike our scent" ! said the scout, tearing two rifles, with all their attendant accouterments, from beneath a bush, and flourishing " killdeer" as he handed Uncas his weapon; " two, at least, will find it to their deaths" .
8." What is it, boy" ? whispered the scout, lowering his tall form into a crouching attitude, like a panther about to take his leap; " God send it be a tardy Frencher, skulking for plunder. I do believe 'killdeer' would take an uncommon range today" !