Her slate-blue skirts were kilted boldly about her waist and dovetailed behind her.
The "woman" is a kilted Scot, and the "monster" is his bagpipe.The Scot challenges Bugs to a game of golf.
苏格兰之旅 My Bunny Lies over the sea剧情简介: In Scotland, Bugs Bunny rescues a woman from a monster.
She kilted up her skirts and rolled up her sleeves, and she knelt by the tub on the grass.
她卷起裙子, 挽起袖子,跪在浴缸旁的草地上。
The whining skirl of the pipes had struck dread into the Germans on the Somme, who had called the kilted pipers “Ladies from Hell”.
And a fine woman she was in her way, tall and not over-stout, dark, with rich hair; in summer she went barefooted mostly, and with her skirt kilted high; Inger was not afraid of letting her calves be seen.
她是个漂亮的女人, 身材高大但不过分肥胖, 皮肤黝黑,头发浓密; 夏天她大多赤脚, 裙子高高地系着。 英格不怕让人看到她的小腿。