1.A leaden weight lay on her heart as she waved him goodbye.
1.A leaden sensation was settling in the pit of his stomach.
2.It had been a leaden dawn, and the rain now steadily poured down.
3.We sat in silence, listening to the kitchen clock ticking, the air leaden.
4.Yonder leaden Judge sits immovably upon our soul.
5.He was leaden, as if he were deliberately resisting.
6.The negro had sprung back, and his face was leaden.
黑人猛地后退, 脸色铁青。机翻
7.A leaden Crucifix was in front of my straw Couch.
一铅制十字架在我草沙发前。 我身边放着一块破旧地毯, 还有一串珠串。机翻
8.She continued to sit motionless, a leaden weight upon her lips.
9." What warrior does not? 'Tis where a leaden bullet has cut" .
“哪战士没有?这就是铅弹击中地方” 。机翻
10.He swept up my leaden suitcases like they were filled with feathers.
他把我铅制手提一干二净, 就像里面装满了羽毛一样。机翻
11.To sink, with its leaden weight upon him, and never rise again!
沉下去,沉重沉重压在他身上, 再也不会起来!机翻
12.Leaden with fear, his mother watched him. Words dropped mechanically from her lips.
13.'The orbits of your eyes are leaden, and your eyelids are red and heavy.
“你眼眶是铅灰色, 你眼皮又红又重。机翻
14.Its monstrous wings seem to wheel in the leaden air around me.
15.Before I got home I had ripples of queasiness, and that night a headache came on, with worsening nausea and leaden limbs.
16.The afternoon was far advanced, and the leaden sky was darkening, as if the sun were setting behind it.
下午已经很晚了, 铅灰色天空正在变暗, 仿佛太阳已经落山了。机翻
17.Her legs were leaden, trembling with fatigue and strain, and she shivered with cold from the clammy sweat that soaked her body.
18.He fell from his horse, Haggo said, staring down. His broad face was impassive, but his voice was leaden.
" 他从自己马上摔下来。" 哈戈瞪着脚下他们说,他那张阔脸毫无表情,但声音如铅般沉重。
19.The variegated fields are all one color now; the pastures, the stubble, the roads, the sky are the same leaden gray.
杂色田野现在都是一种颜色; 牧场、胡茬、道路、天空都是一样铅灰色。机翻
20.It was an hour or more before Holmes came to a leaden coffin standing on end before the entrance to the vault.
过了一多小时, 福尔摩斯才来到金库入口前一口直立铅制棺材前。机翻