9.There was a better name, a Latin name, for it;it was also called ACCIDIE, and it meant intellectual and spiritual torpor, indifference, and lethargy.
13.And finally, with hepatic encephalopathy, there may be Asterixis, which means hand tremor when the wrist is extended; altered consciousness, lethargy, seizure, or coma.
15.These include depressive disorders, typified by prolonged hopelessness and lethargy, and bipolar disorders, the most prominent of which involve alternating between depression and mania.
16.He decided this just previous to the expiration of his sentence, when the cloud that oppressed him had lifted, leaving him in a deep, dispirited lethargy.
17.Springtime lethargy is the common name for a condition called spring asthenia, a form of seasonal affective disorder wherein seasonal changes result in physiological changes in our bodies.
18.The symptoms range from decreased attention span, lethargy or feeling really tired, feeling a little confused, severe headaches, light sensitivity, and nausea, the feeling that you're gonna throw up.
20.They were named after lions because their lion-toothed leaves healed so many ailments, great and small: baldness, dandruff, toothache, sores, fevers, rotting gums, weakness, lethargy and depression.