| 划词
我们这一天 第二季

1.It's about hoping that the little lima bean inside of me...turns into a grape.

这是一颗在我肚子里的小小利马豆… … 能变成一颗葡萄。

「我们这一天 第二季」评价该例句:好评差评指正
Storyline 在线英语故事

2.Well, pretty good right? I liked it, my daughter likes it, and we like lima beans.


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Storyline 在线英语故事

3.She ate all the lima beans she wanted, and she never had even a touch of stripes again.


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4.It's about hoping that the little lima bean inside of me...


记Friends 第五季

5.If you said, " Big lima bean bubbling up, " Would she understand the difference?

如果你说〝吃葡萄不吐葡萄皮〞 会不会比较懂?

「老记Friends 第五季」评价该例句:好评差评指正
记第五季 Friends Season_05

6.If you said, " Big lima bean, bubbling up." Would she understand the difference?

要是你说“筋斗怪跑了。” 能听出有什么区别吗?

「老记第五季 Friends Season_05」评价该例句:好评差评指正
怦然心动 Flipped

7.Why don't you just make me eat lima beans for the rest of my life.


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Storyline 在线英语故事

8.Camilla Cream loved lima beans, but she never ate them. All of her friends hated lima beans and she wanted to fit in.

卡米拉· 科瑞姆喜爱利马豆,但从来不吃。因所有的朋都讨厌利马豆,也想融入他们和他们一样。

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9.Certain kinds of plants, like sagebrush and lima beans, are able to pick up on those airborne messages and adjust their own internal chemistry accordingly.


Storyline 在线英语故事

10." No, thank you, " sighed Camilla. What she really wanted was nice plate of lima beans, but she had been laughed at enough for one day.

“嗯,是的,我知道了!”当科瑞姆先生第二天打来电话时,班步尔医生喃喃自语道 。“我想最好带来些专家,我们马上就到。”

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2014 English Cafe

11." We have a hodgepodge of vegetables – we have carrots, we have lima beans, we have onions." They don't seem to go together very well.

“我们有一大堆蔬菜——我们有胡萝卜、我们有青豆、我们有洋葱。 ”它们似乎不太适合搭配​​。机翻

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Storyline 在线英语故事

12.Camilla wanted a big heaping plate full of lima beans more than just about anything, but she was still afraid to admit it. " Yuck, " she said, " no one likes lima beans, especially me."

卡米拉有一个大的堆积板全不仅仅是任何事情,但仍然不敢承认这一点。 “呸,”说,“没有人喜欢利马豆,尤其是我。”

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Storyline 在线英语故事

13." Oh my, no, " replied the kind old woman. " There's no such thing. These are just plain old lima beans. I bet you'd like some, wouldn't you? " she asked Camilla.

卡米拉有一个大的堆积板全不仅仅是任何事情,但仍然不敢承认这一点。 “呸,”说,“没有人喜欢利马豆,尤其是我。”

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