| 划词

1.Outside the limbus, a thick layer of cells called the conjunctiva protects the rest of our eye.



2.To keep the cornea in perfect condition, a fine layer of cells on its surface are constantly replaced, flowing in from a region called the limbus.



3.Doctors can take some of the patient's healthy limbus and transplant it, but take too much and they risk causing the same problem at the donor site.



4.If the patient has a small amount of healthy limbus left, doctors can still just take a chunk and amplify the cells in the lab before transplanting them back into the eye.



5.The limbus acts as a barrier between the cornea and the conjunctiva but if it gets damaged, the conjunctiva can start to grow across the cornea, clouding the window and cutting out the light.

角膜充当角膜和结膜之间的屏障, 但如果它受到损坏,结膜会开始在角膜上生长, 遮蔽窗口切断光线。机翻


6.That way there's no rejection and far fewer cells are needed… Sounds good, but it requires specialist equipment and the patient still might not have enough healthy limbus left to work with.

这样就没有排斥反应,需要的细胞也少得多… … 听起来不错,但它需要专门的设备,而且患者可能仍没有足够的健康角膜缘来工作。机翻



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