10.This paper introduces the geological features and the unhomogeneous weathering phenomenon of coral reef limestone of Sudan Port Area,and the bearing capacity of this layer.
11.The lithologies are dominated by alternating sandstones, shales and limestone, and the sedimentary environment based on shoreland tidal flat with swamp developed in the lower.
12.CA Cement Clinker is a manufactured commodity which raw materials are high quality limestone and bauxite.The raw materials should be mixed according to suitable ratio to pelletize.
14.Grainstones are the main part of the section, among which the oolites, intraclast limestones and most bioclast limestones are cemented by sparry calcite.
15.Calcifuge Describing plants that grow on soils containing very little calcium carbonate, such as sandy or peaty soils and cannot grow on basic substrates such as most chalk and limestone soils.