1.Easy to fix for the lamp house: the shape of the module set is flexional linearity and strip, any shape of letters can be easy and fast installed, and may save more time and labour.
3.Processing images or music, participating in inner speech, and recalling memories all require complicated neural pathways that are nowhere close to the linearity of the knee-jerk reflex.
4.The formal definition of linearity is relatively abstract and symbolically driven, compared to the way that I 1st talked about it in chapter three of this series.
5.And again, linearity is going to imply that any other vector on the diagonal line spanned by this guy is just going to get stretched out by a factor of two.
6.So in this case, the visual understanding for what linearity means is that if you have a line of evenly spaced dots, it would remain evenly spaced once they're mapped onto the number line.