1.A rabbit is lopping through the garden
1.Also the neo-Assyrians loved to find would-be rebels and lop off their appendages.
2.The next such exercise is likely to lop around 60,000 jobs per month from the count.
3.So for example, lopping off a tail is pretty significant damage, but it won't kill the whale.
4.Digital in name only, the new banknotes lop six zeros off a currency ravaged by years of hyperinflation.
5.Until that moment arrives, half the long tail is lopped off.
6.Again, lopping off your leg, to clip a toenail.
7.Killer lopped off his ear and set him on fire.
凶手切下他的耳朵 然后烧毁了尸体。
8.Three rabbit mothers hopped about with lopping ears and watched their little rabbits playing, too.
9.That is, he lopped logs and searched for lodestone in the forest.
10.It's a shame we're gonna have to lop their heads off.
11.And for the jalapenos, I'm just gonna lop off the stem and then cut them in half.
12.SARS2 virus in your lungs is that it's like lopping off your leg to clip a toenail.
13." Soon enough, soon enough. Here, I got me a silver stag says they lop his head off. "
" 就快啦,就快啦。来来来,我赌一个银鹿他们会砍他的头。"
14.Love, he thought, could never be anything to him but a living memory—a limb lopped off, but not gone from consciousness.
爱,他想,对他来说永远只是一种活生生的记忆——一个肢体被砍掉了, 但并没有从意识中消失。机翻
15.Back then, the same chap who'd cut your hair could also take out your teeth, stitch up your skull or lop off your leg.
16.But after the silver screen brought Hollywood fame, the last four letters were lopped off, and it's been just " Hollywood" ever since.
但是在银幕让好莱坞名声大噪之后,最后四个字母被删掉了,从此就变成了“好莱坞” 。机翻
17.But for now, the researchers advise salon-goers to load up on sunscreen or wear UV-blocking gloves with the fingertips lopped off before going under the lamp.
18." Fool! They ain't neither going to lop him. Since when do they knick traitors on the steps of the Great Sept? "
" 笨蛋!他们才不会砍他头哩。打哪时起叛徒砍头是在大圣堂啊?"
19.Y'know what? You should go to my guy, because when I went inthere with my third nipple. He just lopped it right off.
应该去找我的医生 我带着第三个乳头去找他时 他直接就它给切了。
20.Twenty-two friends of high public mark, twenty-one living and one dead, it had lopped the heads off, in one morning, in as many minutes.
二十二名高知名度的朋友, 二十一个活着,一个死了,它在一个早上, 在几分钟内就头砍掉了。机翻