1.He idly plucked the strings of the lute.
1.O lute, play music bright. For the bride sweet and slender!
2.He brushed his brown curls back from his forehead, and taking up a lute, let his fingers stray across the cords.
3." Oh, I'm certain of it. Might I see your lute" ?
" 噢,这当然啦。你琵琶么?"
4.Minstrels strummed on silk-stringed lutes and sang of a love their master had never felt.
5.A set of drums, several guitars, a lute, a cello, and some bagpipes were set upon it.
6.Leonardo da Vinci played the lute at their parties.
列奥纳多·达·奇 (Leonardo da Vinci) 在他们聚会上演奏琵琶。机翻
7.Now, there are lots of paintings of young boys with lutes in Baroque Rome, but never anything quite like this.
8.The woman playing a lute is thought to be Gaspara Stampa, among the saddest figures in literary history.
弹琵琶女被认为是加斯帕拉·斯坦帕 (Gaspara Stampa),她是文学史上最悲伤之一。机翻
9.They would play the harp and lute and pipe.
10.In this way he turned a couple of rooms and a few objects-a lute, a glass, some pearls-into miniature breathing worlds.
11.Suddenly the beauty took out a knife from the lute and lunged at his lung.
12.European Garden Tubs. Dinosaurs Hobble Erotically Thrumming Yellow Lutes’, which takes us from lanthanum all the way to lutetium.
欧式花园浴缸。 Dinosaurs Hobble Erotically Thrumming Yellow Lutes',它将们从镧一路带到镥。机翻
13.The artisans of Guayabo mainly construct three string trace guitars and Cuban lutes known as Louds, typical instruments of traditional Cuban music.
14.The heralds blew their trumpets. " To sing for the golden lute, " one cried, " we give you Galyeon of Cuy" .
传令官们又吹响喇叭。" 为镀金竖琴竞赛," 其中一高声宣布," 库伊家族葛勒昂上场了。"
15.Dareon plucked at his lute with one finger, sending up a derisive note. " I'd heard that wildlings were braver than that" .
戴里恩用一根手指拨了一下琵琶,弹出嘲弄音符," 听说野比较勇敢。"
16.You create heavy instruments like bells and gongs, but also very delicate ones like harps and lutes which would be damaged over a journey.
17.When the bearer of this message went out at the door, the Master took his lute and sang to it, in order that Pei might hear him.
18.Absolutely. Yes, 100%, definitely. Absolutely. " lute" like a lute, LUTE.
是,100%,绝对是。 绝对地。 “琵琶” 像琵琶,LUTE。机翻
19.The singer rose to his feet. " I'm Mance Rayder, " he said as he put aside the lute. " And you are Ned Stark's bastard, the Snow of Winterfell" .
歌手站起身来。" 是曼斯·雷德," 他边说边放下竖琴," 而你是奈德·史塔克私生子,临冬城雪诺。"
20." If it please Your Grace" . Beneath the courtesy, there was a faint hint of unease, but he handed her the lute all the same. One does not refuse the queen's request.
" 陛下请看。" 蓝诗礼数之下,隐隐有一丝不安,但他克制住情绪,恭恭敬敬地将琵琶交了出来。没敢违抗太后命令。