1.I don't like your mamma lately.
2.Its the most grandiose, caricatural, corrosive demolition oftheimage of the Italian mamma, said Italys leading dailyCorrieredella Sera.
1.Yes, mamma. - Y'all get some rest, OK?
好的 妈妈 - 们都快点睡觉 好吗?
2." Oh! we will give you a ticket, mamma."
3." What are you saying" ? replied mamma, turning crimson.
4.They are not birds, Johnny, said mamma, smiling.
5.Did you draw this? - Yes, mamma.
这是画的吗 - 是的 妈妈。
6.Simply that I am engaged to Mr Worthing, mamma.
7." What shall we get for you in town, mamma? "
8.Unless you count a snippet of fur maybe from mamma lion's back.
9.I am brave, mamma. I will go. - Here it is.
10.O mamma, said Lily, do tell us what it was!
11." O mamma! " exclaimed Agnes. " Well, and what else? " said Hugh.
12.The important thing is to have mamma get well quickly.
13.You could fly up to space if you wanted to, mamma.
只要想 也以飞上太空的 妈妈。
14.What makes the big shadow, mamma?
15.Go! My respects to your mamma. And do not mount these stairs again.
16.But Willie did not stir. Willie! said mamma. She thought he had not heard.
17.What a pity it is, mamma, we did not all go.
18.From the expression on mamma's face I fear we never shall.
从妈妈脸上的表情来看, 我担心我们永远也不会了。
19." My brother, " whispered one of the girls; " mamma is thinking of poor Richard" .
" 我哥哥," 一位小姐说道。 " 妈妈想起了怜的理查德。"
20.What is the dark? asked mamma. See! It is nothing but a shadow.