1.That cheque for £1000 from my aunt came like manna from heaven as I had three or four big bills to pay.
1.我给的1 000英镑的支票真像是及
20.The question is further complicated by a comment in The Urantia Book that Jesus, speaking in the Capernaum synagogue, referred to grape clusters and a pot of manna carved on a lintel of the new synagogue to illustrate a point in his sermon.
《乌兰蒂亚之书》中的评论使问题变得更加复杂,耶稣在迦百农犹太教堂讲话时,提到了刻在新犹太教堂门楣上的葡萄串和一罐, 以说明他布道中的一个观点。机翻