16.The marshy conditions of the dinosaur freeway (the reason its footprints formed, and have survived) may, though, have favoured crocodilians over predators that had evolved on drier land.
17.And the bonebed was formed in a marshy, aquatic environment - one that dried out from time to time, based on the plant remains that have been found there.
18.One cat, according to Mr. St. John, always brought home game birds, another hares or rabbits, and another hunted on marshy ground and almost nightly caught woodcocks or snipes.
19.Thanks to their planting of eelgrass seeds over the marshy land, the once-barren ecosystem is now flourishing, and the seagrasses are storing a ton of carbon in their root systems to boot.
20.Manatees, also known as sea cows, are large, slow moving animals that live in the rivers and marshy coastal areas of West Africa, the Amazon, the Caribbean Sea, and the Gulf of Mexico.