3.Results The CT and MRI manifestations of intracranial mixed tumor were exactly like meningioma, glioma, and hypophysoma, etc, therefore it was usually misdiagnosed the common tumor.
6.In rich countries, five men in every 200,000, and twice as many women, develop tumours called meningiomas that affect the membranes surrounding the brain.
7.The researchers found that people who had had a meningioma were more than twice as likely as those who had not to have had at least one bitewing X-ray.
8.Even more troubling was the finding that people who had been given a panorex when they were under ten had 4.9 times the normal risk of developing a meningioma.
9.Ironically, because past research studying the after-effects of exposure to things like atom bombs and radiation treatments for cancer suggests the most important environmental risk factor for meningiomas is ionising radiation.