| 划词

1.For example, clocks run faster on the moon than on Earth, gaining about 56 microseconds each day, officials said.


60秒-国人 2021年11月合集

2.And all of this would happen in a matter of microseconds.


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60秒-国人 2023年9月合集

3.We can hear differences in timing as small as one hundredth of a second, or 10 microseconds.

我们可以听到小到百分之一秒或者说 10 微秒的时间差异。

「60秒-国人 2023年9月合集」评价该例句:好评差评指正

4.The earthquake was so powerful, it shifted the earth on its axis, and shortened our days by 2.8 microseconds.

这场地此强大,甚至使地轴都发生了偏移,将一天的时间缩短了 2.8 毫秒。

60秒-国人 2021年2月合集

5.The muons last for only two microseconds.


「60秒-国人 2021年2月合集」评价该例句:好评差评指正
DEFCON Collection

6.It jitters around by, I don't know, 40, 50 microseconds all the time.

它一直在抖动,我不知道,40、50 微秒。

「DEFCON Collection」评价该例句:好评差评指正
DEFCON Collection

7.I had to go up to several microseconds.


「DEFCON Collection」评价该例句:好评差评指正

8.However, a low-frequency sound coming from one side will reach the near ear microseconds before the far one.


60秒-国人 2021年4月合集

9.It only lives for about two microseconds, but that's sufficiently long to precisely study its properties.


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CRI在线 2023年5月合集

10.It enables researchers to perform complex computational tasks in the cloud and the public to experience quantum computing at the speed of microseconds.


「CRI在线 2023年5月合集」评价该例句:好评差评指正
《金融时报》 Podcast

11.Well, that's not something I've devoted more than a microsecond to since I don't, I've never looked at or participated in Twitter.

嗯,这不我投入超过一微秒的东西, 因为我没有,我从来没有看过或参与过 Twitter。机翻

「《金融时报》 Podcast」评价该例句:好评差评指正

12.That ant was the animal acceleration record-holder until 2018, when it was dethroned by the snap-jaw, or dracula ant, which snaps its jaws in 23 microseconds.

这种蚂蚁一直动物加速度记录的保持者,直到 2018 年,它被在 23 微秒内弹击下巴的德古拉蚂蚁取代。

经济人 Science and technology

13.The software involved is able to track the plasma's behaviour so rapidly that it can tweak conditions every 100 microseconds, keeping it away from the reactor walls.

所涉及的软件能够此迅速地跟踪等离子体的行为, 以至于它可以每 100 微秒调整一次条件,使其远离反应器壁。机翻

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14.If you think about that in terms of the thickness of an earbud, it's getting from the outside of the earbud to the inside of the earbud in about 15 microseconds, so that's millionths of a second.

果你考虑一下耳塞的厚度,它从耳塞外面到耳塞里面只需要 15 微秒,也就百万分之一秒。

快报-国人Science Quickly, from SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN

15." When it comes to timing precision, " Nina wrote in her book, " [the auditory system leaves] the visual system in the dust." We can hear differences in timing as small as one hundredth of a second, or 10 microseconds.

“当谈到计时精度时, ” 妮娜在她的书中写道,“[听觉系统将]视觉系统留在尘土中。 我们可以听到小至百分之一秒或 10 微秒的时间差异。机翻

「快报-国人Science Quickly, from SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN」评价该例句:好评差评指正


muntin, munting, muntjac, muntjak, Muntz, Muntz metal, muon, muonic, muonium, mu-operator,


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