8.These two girls had been above an hour in the place, happily employed in visiting an opposite milliner, watching the sentinel on guard, and dressing a sallad and cucumber.
9.So from the beginning, the Monarch has worked with her courtiers, and in this instance milliners, to create clothes that are a compliment to the host nation on her global tours.
10.He had the prettiest ways among women, could talk fashions with enjoyment, and was never more happy than when criticising a shade of ribbon, or running on an errand to the milliner's.
11.Though the " regular" Republicans called them " Mugwumps" and laughed at them as the " men milliners, the dilettanti, and carpet knights of politics, " they had a following that was not to be despised.
12.But if you're looking for something a little more custom, something made by a master milliner, a hat maker, and your savings bank isn't filled to the brim, you may stop in at Hats By Bunn.
但是,如果您正在寻找更定制化的东西,例如由制大师、制师制作的东西, 您的储蓄银行没有装满, 您可以在 Hats By Bunn 停留。机翻
13.Harry pacified her by repeating her instructions perfectly; and she was just going to tell him more when General Vandeleur flung into the apartment, scarlet with anger, and holding a long and elaborate milliner's bill in his hand.