11.Artecom has remark-able inhibitory effect on falciparum gametocyte thus minimizing the malaria transmit-ability.It is one of the most excellence anti-malarial medicines.
12.The microturbulence prevents premature “sealing” of the sheet against “the wire, thus keeping the sheet open for drainage and minimizing wire making.
13.When cutting most pleochroic gemstones (Iolite, Tanzanite, Kunzite etc.), lapidaries typically try to minimize the pleochroism and maximize the single most prominent color.
15.Contains bio-gold, grape polyphenol, cholestane, herbal DNA, etc. It can minimize the fine lines , help lighten black eye and eye pouch,tighten the skin around eyes.
16.Corrections for chemiluminescence were also applied as needed but were minimized by the use of the luminescence suppressing cocktail Aquagel and dark equilibration of samples prior to counting.