| 划词

1.Mili is representative of cold or dark colors and mola represents warm or light colors.

mili 冷色或深色,mola 色或浅色。


2.The Dani people of New Guinea have only two words for describing color: mili and mola.

mili 和 mola



high-proof, high-purity, high-raking, high-ranking, high-remanence, high-rise, highrisk, high-risk, highroad, high-roller, high-sensitivity, high-sounding, high-speed, high-spirited, highstand, highstick, highstrikes, high-stroke, high-strung, hight, hightail, high-tech, highteen, high-temperature-hot-water, high-tension, hightest, high-test, hightide, high-toned, hightransconductance, high-type, highty-tighty, high-up, high-usage, high-value, highveld, high-volatile, highwall, highway, highway code, highway robbery, highwayman, highway-overpass, highways, highwaywoman, highwheeler, highwood, highyield, high-yield, high-yielders, high-yielding, higlif, HIH, hi-hat, HII, hijab, hijack, hijackee, hijacker, hijacking, Hijaz, hijinks, hijra, hijrah, hike, hiker, hikers, hiking, HIL, hila, hilac, hilacayote, hilar, hilarious, hilarity, hilarregion, Hilary, Hilbert, Hilbert space, hilch, Hilda, Hildebrand, Hildegarde, hilding, hilebranditle, hilgardite, hili, hiliferous, hiliocentricism, hilite, hi-lite, hilitis, hill, hill-and-dale, Hillary, hillbilly, hill-billy, hillbilly music, hill-climbing, hill-creep, hillcrest, hillculture, Hillel, hiller, hilliness, hilling, hillman, hillock, hillocks, hillocky,


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