Too few proteins lead to night blindness, perifollicular hyperkeratosis, xerophthalmia, keratomolacia, increased morbidity and mortality in young children.
Sociologist David Williams has connected this unique psychosocial stressor to increased rates of stress- related disease morbidity among African Americans, like heart disease that may contribute to higher risks of early mortality.
社会学家大卫·威廉姆斯 (David Williams) 将这种独特社会心理压力源与非洲裔美国人压力相关疾率增加联系起来,例如可能导致早期死亡风险更高心脏。
Alright, as a quick recap, postpartum hemorrhage is the most common cause of maternal morbidity and mortality around the world, and the causes are the 4 T's: Tone (atony), Trauma, Tissue, and Thrombus (coagulopathy).