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TED演讲(视频版) 2019年6月合集

1.They have radical mutuality, and they are geniuses at relationship.


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2.The old emphasis upon superficial differences had to give way to education for mutuality and for citizenship in the human community.


时代周刊 (Time)

3.This was King at his most prodigious and enduring, affirming that we " are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality."


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4.The wind and the waves are woven together with the forests and grasslands, threaded with the deserts and snowy regions, and all living things are knit together in mutuality.



5.Marxist moment in every relationship, a moment when it becomes clear that love is going to be reciprocated; that we won’t simply admire someone from afar without hope of mutuality.

都会有一段令人烦扰的“马克思时刻” 个时候爱情眼看将要获得回馈我们不能仰慕某人但敬而远之不求回报。

经济学人 Business

6.As for stakeholderism, or what Mars calls mutuality, it says it puts the interests of customers, workers, suppliers, communities and the environment alongside those of the family shareholders.

至于利益相关者主义, 或者玛氏所说的相互关系,它表示它将客户、工人、供应商、社区环境的利益与家族股东的利益放在一起。机翻

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TED演讲(音频版) 2019年6月合集

7.I met a guy in Youngstown, Ohio, who just held up a sign in the town square, " Defend Youngstown." They have radical mutuality, and they are geniuses at relationship.

我在俄亥俄州扬斯敦遇到了一个人,他刚刚在城镇广场举起了一个牌子, “保卫扬斯敦。 ” 他们有着激进的相互关系, 而且他们处理关系的天才。机翻

「TED演讲(音频版) 2019年6月合集」评价该例句:好评差评指正
经济学人 Business

8.The firm gives credit for its success to the austere business practices Forrest Sr honed in Slough, now known internally as the Five Principles: quality, responsibility, mutuality, efficiency and freedom.

该公司将其成功归功于 Forrest Sr 在 Slough 磨练出来的严谨的商业实践,现在在内部被称为五项原则:质量、责任、相互、效率由。机翻

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