2.Objective:To evaluate the myocardial protective effects of HTK solution on immature and cyanosed myocardium in cardiac operation,through comparison with ST.
3.Bone marrow stem cells are multipotential and capable of transdifferentiation to myocardium and regeneration myocardium by bone marrow stem cell transplantartion is investigated worldwide.
4.Conclusions: The myocardial bridge is an anatomic structure with some functions, such as supporting and fixing aeteria coronaria, increasing arteriotony and raising blood supply of myocardium.
6.Over time, this results in maximal vasodilation beyond the obstruction, and it helps the collateral vessel redivert blood to the ischemic myocardium.
14.There's also a tiny third opening into the right atrium called the coronary sinus, which collects blood from coronary vessels returning from the myocardium.
15.So, moving from the outside of the heart to the inside of the heart: after the epicardium, there's the myocardium, which is the muscular middle layer.
18.As a result of ischemia, in the myocardium supplied by coronary artery B, the myocardial cells don't receive enough oxygen, which is called hypoxia.
20.This is typically due to some kind of damage to the myocardium—or the heart muscle —which means it can't contract as forcefully and pump blood as efficiently.