| 划词

1.Yeah, we agree with Sawney. A proc per minute on Killing Machine would nerf DW a little while making an expensive talent more attractive for 2H Frost.




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当月 CNN 10 学英语 2021年11月合集

1.They probably wouldn't have the " nerf" to build it and it would make your mom really " nerfffous" .


「当月 CNN 10 学英语 2021年11月合集」评价该例句:好评差评指正

2.So the nerf gun I bought fires these darts, this is  a standard nerf icon dart.

所以我买的 nerf 枪发射这些飞镖,这是标准的 nerf 图标飞镖。机翻

当月 CNN 10 学英语 2021年11月合集

3.Mods for these toys are " nerferending" so we'll keep an eye out for what people built on their own " nerf" .


「当月 CNN 10 学英语 2021年11月合集」评价该例句:好评差评指正

4.Then, all  I do is epoxy foam around the exterior and then you get this really nice nerf dart.

然后,我所做的就是在外部周围涂上环氧树脂泡沫,然后你就会得到这个非常漂亮的 nerf 飞镖。机翻


5.I could either become a better shot with a nerf gun by practicing or I could just make  a bigger nerf gun.

我可以通过练习成为更好的 nerf 枪射击手,或者我可以制造一把更大的 nerf 枪。机翻


6.Measuring 12 and a half feet long and weighing over 200 pounds - this is the world's  largest nerf gun.

长 12 英尺半,重 200 多磅 - 这是世界上最大的 nerf 枪。机翻

当月 CNN 10 学英语 2019年12月合集

7.Nerf and Paw Patrol toys, video games and the Nintendo Switch, Apple products and Samsung TVs, these are some of the most popular items sold online.

Nerf 和 Paw Patrol 玩具、视频游戏和任 Switch、果产品以及三星电视,这些都是网上销售最受欢迎的产品。

「当月 CNN 10 学英语 2019年12月合集」评价该例句:好评差评指正

8.Yeah, but didn't Google nerf some staple Fitbit health features like automatic workouts, irregular heart rate alerts, and Sp02 percentages for no obvious reason.

- 是的,但谷歌并没有无缘无故地削弱一些主要的 Fitbit 健康功能,如自动锻炼、不规则心率警报和 Sp02 百分比。机翻


9.This nerf gun can project 12-inch darts at over 50 miles per hour  at half of the gun's full power potential.

这把 nerf 枪可以以超过 50 英里/小时的速度发射 12 英寸的飞镖,而枪的最大功率潜力只有一半。机翻

当月 CNN 10 学英语 2021年11月合集

10.Is it " nefarious" only if its holder gets " nefarious" so you don't want to get on his " nerfs" , if you know what I'm saying?


「当月 CNN 10 学英语 2021年11月合集」评价该例句:好评差评指正

11.But sometimes when the two sides are really unbalanced and nobody bothered to make a patch or a nerf, a war can end in only a few minutes.



12.This is the dart the new nerf gun shoots and as you can see it's a lot bigger  and as we all know bigger is better.

这是新的 nerf 枪发射的飞镖,正如您所看到的,它要大得多,而且我们都知道越大越好。机翻


13.So, this nerf dart is basically one and a half inch pvc pipe  runs along the inside core and then I have these 3D printed caps that fit over the pipe.

所以,这个 nerf 飞镖基本上是一个半英寸的 pvc 管沿着内芯运行,然后我有这些 3D 打印的盖子可以套在管子上。机翻


14.Most of my  previous videos have been either miniatures or super-sized projects of normal  items. For example, I made a super-sized nerf gun and I made a miniature iMac computer.

我以前的大部分视频都是普通项目的缩影或超大项目。例如,我做了一个超大号的 nerf 枪,我做了一个微型 iMac 电脑。机翻


15.Now, if you're watching this nerf, I don't  plan on selling this gun so please don't sue me but I really had to add the official  nerf batch to really bring this gun to life.

现在,如果你正在看这个 nerf,我不打算卖这把枪所以请不要起诉我,但我真的不得不添加官方的 nerf 批次才能真正让这把枪栩栩如机翻


16.The first step of this build was to model  everything in CAD. Once I finished the design process I could transfer my design to wood and  begin cutting out the shape of the nerf gun.

此构建的第一步是在 CAD 中对所有内容进行建模。完成设计过程后,我可以将我的设计转移到木头上,然后开始切割 nerf 枪的形状。机翻



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