| 划词

1.He has brought us one nihilist and now he's bringing us another!

给我们带来了一个虚无主义者, 现在又给我们带来了一个虚无主义者!机翻

TED演讲(音频版) 2019年6月合集

2.There's plenty of suicidal nihilists out there.


「TED演讲(音频版) 2019年6月合集」评价该例句:好评差评指正

3.He will completely crush the nihilists, and I quite agree with him.

他会彻底打垮虚无主义者, 我很同意他的看法。机翻


4.Valentina Mihailovna looked upon her as a nihilist and freethinker, and Mariana detested her aunt as an unconscious tyrant.

瓦莲京娜·米哈伊洛夫娜 (Valentina Mihailovna) 将她为虚无主义者和自由想者, 而玛丽安娜 (Mariana) 则厌恶她的姨妈, 认为她是一个无意识的暴君。机翻


5.You must transform the nihilist through your wise words and make him become an idealist, a believer in the higher power of love.

你必须通过你睿智的话语来改造虚无主义者, 使他成为一个理想主义者,一个相信爱的更高力量的人。机翻


6.Having spent himself somewhat and got rather irritable, he at last turned from foreign Jacobins to home-bred nihilists and socialists, and ended by flying into a passion.



7." I would forbid nihilists even so much as to think of schools. I would put all schools into the hands of the clergy, and with an eye on them I wouldn't mind running one myself" !

“我什至会禁止虚无主义者想到学校。我会把所有的学校都交给神职人员, 并且在关注他们的情况下, 我不介意自己经营一所学校” !机翻


8.His great ambition was to study law, but his father, who had a violent hatred for nihilists, made him go in for history and philology, or for " aesthetics" as Nejdanov put it with a bitter smile.




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