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VOA Standard 20158月合集

1.He uses heat to kill lice eggs, known as nits.


「VOA Standard 20158月合集」评价该例句:好评差评指正
生活大爆炸 第2季

2.Oh, really? Well, here's another nit for you: the flagons would not have been made of polypropylene.


「生活大爆炸 第2季」评价该例句:好评差评指正

3.Peak HDR brightness reaches 1,600 nits.

峰值 HDR 亮度 1,600 机翻


4.Ultra 2 also has a new advanced display architecture that pushes the brightness to a massive 3,000 nits.

Ultra 2 还拥有全新的先进显示架构,可将亮度提升至 3,000 机翻

英音:德雷尔一家(The Durrells)第二季

5.I picked that up from my children, that and nits.

pick up还有挑捡的意思 我从我的孩子们那学会的 还有幼虱

「英音:德雷尔一家(The Durrells)第二季」评价该例句:好评差评指正

6.It's also noticeably brighter than the older Air, hitting 434 nits of peak brightness in my tests.

它也明显比旧款 Air 更亮,在我的测试中 434 的峰值亮度。机翻


7.Here with Kamala was the worth and purpose of his present life, nit with the business of Kamaswami.



8.If it came to a choice between Grandmother MacLeod and Piquette, Piquette would win hands down, nits or not.



9.This year that panel can hit up to 2000 nits of brightness that's right up there with the very best many LED TVs on the market today.



10." I wuz huntin possums in dis country when dey was still drowndin nits in yo pappy's head wid coal oil, boy, " Louis said.

“我在这个国家打过负鼠, 当时它们还在你爸爸脑袋里淹没在煤油里, 孩子,” 路易斯说。机翻


11." On your feet, bright boy. Just because I went to college don't make me take any guff from a nit like you" .

“站起来,聪明的孩子。不要因为我上了大学就对你这样的傻瓜嗤之以鼻” 。机翻


12.The only real spec difference is that Apple says the Studio Display now has a typical brightness of 600 nits versus 500 on the iMac.

唯一真正的规格差异是公司表示,Studio Display 现在的典型亮度为 600 ,而 iMac 为 500 机翻


13.Along with 11 million pixels, 500 nits of brightness, and over a billion colors, it's an expansive canvas that lets you spread out with all your favorite apps.

再加上拥有 1100 万颗像素 500 亮度,可呈现超过十亿色彩,它就像一块宽广的画布,任由你打开各种 app 尽情施展。

2008 ESLPod

14.To " nit pick" means to pay a lot of attention to small things and not be happy – not be satisfied – until everything is perfect.

挑剔”意味着对小事情给予很多​​关注,并且不高兴 - 不满足 - 直一切都完美为止。机翻

「2008 ESLPod」评价该例句:好评差评指正

15.Sony tells me that while it's not seeing substantial brightness upgrades in terms of nits, our eyes perceive the QD-OLED screen as brighter because of the superior color brightness.

告诉我,虽然它在方面没有看显着的亮度提升,但由于卓越的色彩亮度,我们的眼睛认为 QD-OLED 屏幕更亮。机翻


16.If my mother had to make a choice between Grandmother MacLeod and Piquette, she would certainly choose the latter without hesitation, no matter whether the latter had nits or not.



17.Apple's high-end iPhones, iPads and Mac laptops all support HDR. But the Studio Display tops out at 600 nits and Apple doesn't offer an HDR mode in the software at all.

Apple 的高端 iPhone、iPad 和 Mac 笔记本电脑都支持 HDR。但 Studio Display 的最高亮度为 600 ,而 Apple 根本没有在软件中提供 HDR 模式。机翻


18.When it's sunny, peak brightness can now go up to 2,000 nits, twice as bright as iPhone 14. It comes in two sizes: 6.1 inches for iPhone 15 and 6.7 inches for iPhone 15 Plus.

在阳光明媚的时候, 峰值亮度现在可以▁2,000▁,是▁iPhone▁14▁的两倍。 它有两种尺寸:iPhone▁15▁为▁6.1▁英寸, iPhone▁15▁Plus▁为▁6.7▁英寸。机翻



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