6.Sample was digested in polytetrafluorethylene sealed vesssle by nitric acid-perhydrol or high chloric acid-perhydrol, Hg As Pb were simultaneously determinated by ICP-AES.
7.The selective oxidation of ethers by chromic reagent, peroxide, nitric acid, oxygen and ozonide, as well as the ethers anodic oxidation are particularly introduced.
8.This article introduces that using mixed acid of nitric acid and sulfuric acid, beet waste-slag produces industrial product oxalic acid by ordinary pressure hydrocarbonylation.
9.In this study, the performance of the supported metallic oxide catalysts for catalytic reduction of nitric oxide with carbon monooxide as a reducing agent were investigated.
10.The indium sesquioxide with over 99% purity can be prepared by a decomposition of nitric acid. The method was characterized by fewer equipments, simple operation, low cost and quick yield.
18.Damaged parasympathetic nerve fibers can't release acetylcholine, so there's less nitric oxide synthase activation, and less nitric oxide is produced.