It's their natural urge to give birth in the land where they themselves were born that drives the herd northwards into the harsh conditions of the tundra.
In March 2020, the " short-nose family" left a forest nature reserve in Xishuangbanna and trekked about 500 km northwards to the provincial capital Kunming, finally arriving in June 2021.
Meteorologists in the United States say that hurricane conditions are continuing as it courses parts of central Florida and will spread northwards spearing down on the city of Temper.
Chief among these was Emperor Basil II, known as the " Bulgar Slayer." He would push Byzantine power northwards into the Balkans, taking on the powerful Bulgarian empire.
In 77 AD he appointed Gnaeus Julius Agricola as governor of Britain and charged him with expanding into the northern Wales and even further northwards in Britain itself.
By March or April, the area has dried out and become desolate again so the massive grouping of animals are forced to move northwards towards Lake Victoria where they begin the mating season.
The husband's business was that of a gunmaker in a thriving city northwards, and his soul was in that business always; the lady was best characterized by that superannuated phrase of elegance 'a votary of the muse'.
His friends sometimes took pity on him, and came to share a meal or pass a night on their passage south or northwards, but existence was, on the whole, exceedingly solitary, or seemed so to him.