3.Problems may arise when an octogenarian patient is discharged in the company of an octogenarian spouse.Ideally, two adults should accompany pediatric patients from recovery room to home.
4.And although he isn't explicit about this part, he did just turn 80 this past weekend, making him the first octogenarian president of the United States.
5.It was covered with an immaculate cloth, and tended by a young woman apparently unused to the business, she being accompanied by a boy with an octogenarian face, who assisted her.
6.Few physicians would recommend that all octogenarians pick up a three-hour-a-day running habit, but adding even a small amount of movement to daily life has been repeatedly shown to be beneficial, for a whole range of reasons.
7.Here's the word used in a sentence from Rolling Stone by Jon Blistein - If anyone earned the right to be an irascible octogenarian - especially when it comes to music - it's probably Bob Dylan.