A central ring creates an ovular oculus which is the center-point of the space.
Ocular, I think from the Latin again, oculus or ocularis, meaning eye.
Ocular,也是来自拉丁语,oculus 或 ocularis,意思是眼睛。
Nkwo's class met for brief virtual reality sessions using oculus headsets.
Pair your headset to the Oculus app on your phone.
将耳机与手机上的 Oculus 应用程序配对。
Instead, on your controller, just hold down the Oculus button and then hit the trigger.
相反,你只需按住控制器上的 Oculus 按钮,然后按下触发键。
You'll see the Oculus logo appear.
你看到 Oculus 的标志出现。
Now you can double-press on the Oculus button and the mic will start listening for a command.
现在你可以双击 Oculus 按钮,麦克始听命令。
Scott Sanders runs the Oculus art center.
Scott Sanders 经营着 Oculus 艺中心。
Technology like the incredibly awesome Oculus Rift.
像令人难以置信的 Oculus Rift 这样的技。
The oculus is the only source of light.
Lynn Catterson, an art historian, was among the visitors to the Oculus.
艺史学家林恩·卡特森 (Lynn Catterson) 是 Oculus 的参观者之一。
Once again, thanks so much to oculus rift for sponsoring these episodes!
再次感谢 Oculus Rift 赞助这些剧集!
Users can opt for hardware from Facebook's Oculus, Sony's PlayStation or the inexpensive Google Cardboard, among others.
用户可以选择 Facebook 的 Oculus、索尼的 PlayStation 或廉价的 Google Cardboard 等硬件。
So, thanks again to the folks at Oculus for underwriting these episodes.
所以,再次感谢 Oculus 的人们对这些剧集的支持。
As a teenager, he invented the Oculus virtual-reality headset that he later sold to Facebook for $3bn.
十几岁时,他发明了 Oculus 虚拟现实耳机,后来以 30 亿美元的价格卖给了 Facebook。
Meta scrapped its own smartwatch plans earlier this year but offers fitness-related fun through its Oculus virtual-reality goggles.
Meta 今年早些时候放弃了自己的智能手表计划,但通过其 Oculus 虚拟现实护目镜提供与健身相关的乐趣。
Okay, so you bought one of these, the Oculus Quest Two. The quest two, wait, the Oculus, the Meta Quests Two, that's it.
好的,你买了这个… … Meta Quest 2,就是这个。
This move to the metaverse started back in 2014 with then Facebook's acquisition of VR headset maker Oculus for $2 billion.
这种向元宇宙的转变始于 2014 年,当时 Facebook 以 20 亿美元收购了 VR 耳机制造商 Oculus。
So when you think about virtual reality, for example, are you planning a future of kids play involves using V.R. headsets like Oculus?
因此,例如,当您考虑虚拟现实时,您是否计划未来的儿童游戏涉及使用 VR。像 Oculus 这样的耳机?
After you install the Oculus Desktop app for Windows, connecting your Quest will essentially turn it into a tethered Oculus Rift of sorts.
安装适用于 Windows 的 Oculus 桌面应用程序后,连接您的 Quest 基本上将其变成各种系留的 Oculus Rift。
My favorite being this pigeon, which used to live up in the roof space and periodically fly around before eventually escaping through the oculus.