12.Objective To explore the operative result of intrarectal proctoptosis accompanying hernia of pelvic floor due to common outlet obstructive constipation(OOC).
13.This article introduced the connecting manner and connecting standard in the network cabling of twisted-pair, moduling information outlet and moduling connector plugs.
14.Obsjective: To evaluate the efficiency of the laparoscopic uterine suspension and PPH for female outlet obstructed constipation(OOC)on retroposition of uterus and IRP.
15.The effect of outlet temperature and pressure of the debenzolization partial condenser on the rough benzol qualiy and output is explained and analysed.
18.The HP-bypass system between the boiler outlet and cold reheat consists of an HP-bypass control valve, a feedwater stop valve and a water injection valve, for steam attemperation .