8.Simple ovary, the placentation is brink.The ovules are campylotropous.The ovule is bitegmic and crassinucellate.The megaspore archesporium is initiated from sub-epidermis of nucellus.
9.These tumors, to date, have occurred over a wide age range in postpubertal females, are characteristically unilateral, and confined to the ovary at presentation.
10.Epigyny The type of flower structure in which the perianth and androecium are inserted above the gynoecium, giving an inferior ovary, fused with the receptacle.
11.In the present study, observations were made to determine if the yolk protein, vitellin, was released from the ovaries into the hemolymph without degradation during oosorption.
12.Results Among 40 patients, 10 cases were found abscess of fallopian tube and ovary and pelvic cavity adhesion, 18 were pyosalpinx, and 12 were rectouterine excavation abscess.
13.In the latest studies, scientists caught 82 male Eng-lish sole and hornyhead turbot off Los Angeles and Or-ange counties. Of those, 11 possessed ovary tissue in their testes.
14.If it is a fibromatous tumor, you need to check mitosis and cytologic atypia carefully to see if it is malignant, like fibrothecoma.Malignant fibrous tumor is very few in ovary.