9.In this article,many kinds of Cervidae animal entozoic and ectozoic parasite are summarized throughout the world,especially in North America and Europe.
11.Conclusion Drug plates, media, adhesive paper, parasites and operation technique can affect the result of in vitro microtest for drug sensitivity of P. falciparum.
12.Yiwei Fungin is a sort of antibiotic of anti-parasite, which prevent any sort of health-affecting and production performance from the parasite inside and outside by using low dosage.
13.Human African trypanosomiasis, more commonly called sleeping sickness, is induced by a parasite, the trypanosome, transmitted to humans by the bite of an insect, the glossinid tse-tse fly.
14.Several distinct rickettsiae (a parasite carried by ticks, fleas, and lice) cause a disease known as typhus in humans.All cause disease with similarities of fever, headache, and rash.