A small bathroom has been partitioned off from the original kitchen.
After the Poles helped Napoleon to defeat Prussia, Napoleon established the duchy, which was made up of central Polish provinces that had been absorbed by Prussia when Prussia, Austria, and Russia had partitioned Poland in the late 1700s.
在波兰人帮助拿破仑打败普鲁士之后,拿破仑建立了公国,公国由波兰中部省份组成,这些省份在 1700 年代后期普鲁士、奥利和俄罗斯瓜分波兰时被普鲁士吞并。
On many issues his views were surprisingly modern, not least his advocacy of free trade, his eventual support for the Suffragist movement and his desire for Ireland not to be partitioned between a republican south and a unionist north.