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VOA Special 2020年7月合集

1.A PETA official on Saturday rejected the Thai arguments.


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2.PETA saw this as a triumph for fake fur and hoped many would follow suit.


VOA Special 2021年7月合集

3.PETA is a nonprofit organization that fights to protect animal rights. Guillermo said primates should not be used for testing.


「VOA Special 2021年7月合集」评价该例句:好评差评指正
GQ — 明星们的10种必需品

4.Most recently, she has work with PETA.

最近, 她与 PETA 合作。机翻

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2010 English Cafe

5.PETA has two million members and it calls itself the world's biggest animal rights organization.

PETA 拥有 200 万会员,它自称世界上最大的权利组织。机翻

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2010 English Cafe

6.PETA believes that animals suffer when they are hurt by humans.

PETA 认为,受到人类伤害时会感到痛苦。机翻

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2010 English Cafe

7.Many in PETA also think that animals should not be used for scientific and medical research.

PETA 中的许多人还认为不应将用于科学和医学机翻

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2010 English Cafe

8.Well, PETA uses tactics;some of them can be violent, sometimes " humorous, " sometimes funny.

吧,PETA 使用策略;其中一些可能暴力的,有时“幽默的”,有时有趣的。机翻

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2010 English Cafe

9.PETA also sends its members to scientific laboratories, places where they do experiments.

PETA 还将其成员派往科学实验室,即他们进行实验的地方。机翻

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2010 English Cafe

10.Other PETA members, however, have physically attacked scientists and others in order to get attention.

然而,其他 PETA 成员为了引起注意而对科学家和其他人进行了人身攻击。机翻

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2010 English Cafe

11.The leader of the arson attempt had received money from PETA to use for his legal defense, although PETA did not organize that particular attack itself.

纵火企图的领导人从 PETA 那里收到了钱,用于他的法律辩护,尽管 PETA 并没有自己组织那次特定的袭击。机翻

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2010 English Cafe

12.So, I'm guessing the people who are members of PETA are vegetarians; they eat only fruits and vegetables because, of course, they believe that animals should not be eaten.

所以,我猜 PETA 的成员都素食主义者;他们只吃水果和蔬菜, 因为他们当然认为不应该吃机翻

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2010 English Cafe

13.So a PETA member might go into the laboratory pretending – acting as if she were a scientist, but really taking photographs and collecting information about the laboratory.

因此,PETA 成员可能会假装进入实验室——表现得像她一名科学家,但实际上在拍照并收集有关实验室的信息。机翻

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破产姐妹 第1季

14.I've always loved this time of year - Spiced pumpkin lattes, bringing my winter furs out, then bringing my winter furs to the dry cleaner's to get the red peta paint out.

我一直喜欢每年的这时候 浓郁的南瓜拿铁,翻出我冬季穿的皮草,再把皮草送到干洗店 保护协会给我喷的红漆洗掉。

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