| 划词

1.After 400 ppm, who knows what will happen?

400/100 之后,谁知道会发生什么?


2.A rock from the region was found to carry 180 ppm of water, much drier than those found on Earth.

该地区一块岩石被发现携 180 ppm ,比地球上发现要干燥得多。


3.We're currently at 390 ppm and projected to hit 650 ppm by the end of this century.

但现在我们这一数字已经达到百万分之390, 且预计到本世纪末会达到百万分之650。


4.For example, a concentration of just 35 ppm of carbon monoxide in the air is poisonous to us.

例如,空气中浓度仅为 35 ppm 一氧化碳对我们来说是有毒机翻


5.The last part of the inscription was 415 ppm CO2, the record level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere that was recorded in May.



6.AT NOON on May 4th the carbon-dioxide concentration in the atmosphere around the Mauna Loa Observatory in Hawaii hit 400 parts per million (ppm).



7.This is a big change from a hundred years ago when the concentration was just 300 ppm, below which it had stayed for more than 800,000 years.

相较于 100 年前,这是巨大变化(那时浓度只有 300/100万,保持了 80 万年之久)。


8.In some respects, 400 ppm is just an arbitrary figure, an attractively round number like the four-minute mile or the 7 billion mark for world population, but it indicates that we have reached a new phase of our experiment.

从某些方面考量,400/100 只是一个武断数字,一个吸眼球大致数字,就像四分钟一英里,或世界口 70 亿标志一样,但它可以表明:实验到达了一个新阶段。



IHB, IHD, Iherzolite, IHF, IHI, IHO, IHP, IHR, ihram, ihrigising,


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