| 划词

1.Some of these new drugs have been tested in preclinical trials with laboratory animals.


TED演讲(音频版) 20188合集

2.Which we did, in preclinical animal models.


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TED演讲(视频版) 20204合集

3.The basic way you think about it is, preclinical studies, animals, understanding it, purity, reproducibility.


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4.Their therapeutic utility for cancer and degenerative disease is presently under investigation in preclinical model systems.


科学60秒 20185合集

5.This needs to be investigated in multiple levels, in what we refer to the preclinical environment, so looking at cells or animals.


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6.Without the A.I. model, many more years of preclinical testing would have been required beyond the three years it took Pharnext, says Cohen.


TED演讲(音频版) 202211合集

7.Researchers don't move on from the preclinical testing phase until they prove that the vaccine is unlikely to harm anyone.


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TED演讲(音频版) 202211合集

8.Once the exploratory stage is finished, researchers move on to the preclinical stage, where testing is done in petri dishes or on animals.

探索阶段完成后, 研究人员将进入临床前阶段,在培养皿动物身上进行测试。机翻

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TED演讲(视频版) 202010合集

9.They're called the " Last Gift cohort." And to test in these altruistic patients next year, we have to finish our preclinical tests this year ...

他们被称为“最后的礼物队列” 。 为了明在这些无私的患者身上进行测试,我们必须在今完成我们的临床前测试. . . . . .机翻

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10.If they do indeed outlive conventionally transfused cells, as the researchers hope and preclinical studies suggest they will, then recipients will not need such frequent transfusions.


TED演讲(音频版) 202211合集

11.The preclinical data for the COVID-19 mRNA vaccine showed no impact on fertility in animals that would lead researchers to suspect there would be issues with humans.

COVID-19 mRNA 疫苗的临床前数据显示对动物的生育能力没有影响,这将导致研究人员怀疑人类会有问题。机翻

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TED演讲(音频版) 202211合集

12.The goal of preclinical tests is to see if the vaccine truly works on the pathogen -- in this case, the virus that causes COVID-19 -- and also to test the safety of a vaccine.

临床前测试的目的是查看疫苗是否真的对病原体起作——在这种情况下,是导致 COVID-19 的病毒——并测试疫苗的安全性。机翻

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